Astra Tsiolkovsky's Personal Website



[Header Credit: Amber Aria:]

//This is a fictional character's website for the roleplay community on tumblr that pretents that pokemon games are a real thing as part of a community RP.

//The specifics of what is "canon" or not will vary from blog to blog. Checked their pinned posts to find out what's going on.

//The tags on tumblr are #rotomblr, #rotumblr, #pokemon irl, #irl pokemon, #pkmn irl, and #irl pkmn

//I do not recommend interacting with the community if you have issues with what is sometimes called "unreality" or conditions that involve hallucination(s)

//A useful guide to basics and terms of the community by Bench


[Credit: Amber Aria:]


Hey internet, I’m Astra Tsiolkovsky. I’m a doctoral student studying astrophysics in Unova. Ask me about science, engineering, and Space Stuff™ if you want rambles.

Yeah, yeah, using your real name on the internet is a really bad idea normally, but if I showed you anything of what I do, or really slip up about any details of my life, you’d be able to pin me down if you wanted. I’m credited on published research, have grants as part of the public record, and I’m registered as a lethal weapon in Unova. My Form 3311.4, Form 5300.11, Form 7(5310.12), Form 3(5320.3), Form 1(5320.1) Form 2(5320.2), and emergency judicial injunction granting me an “All Other Pokemon” and restricted “Destructive Devices” license endorsement, as well as applications and rulings to update my identity records are part of the public record.

On that last bit, which is a bit of an elephant in the room: I’m what some would call a “jirachi-fusion”. Probably. One day I was a normal dude in college, then I have a week I cannot remember ANYTHING from, and I come out a female jirachi “fusion”. Feel free to assume I’m just some human kid playing a character on the internet if you want, it’s better than those who get weird about me being a jirachi. Related to that:


Other Info

I coded the website myself, and yes, I know it's shit.

//[OOC Notes]

Will Not Interact:

Other Notes: